BC Experience
BC offers more than 35 years of combined experience in academia, operations, and process safety consultancy. The team know-how ensures the optimal personal and technical skills necessary to effectively analyze, assess, and manage any process safety related project. Relevant projects where BC team members had key technical and/or management roles in the past are listed below:
Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) - Layers Of Protection (LOP) Design
Explosion Assessment
Facility Siting Study (FSS) / Building Risk Assessment (BRA)
Fire and Gas Mapping Studies
Deflagration Analysis and Vent Sizing
Pressure Relief and Flare Systems (PRFS) design
Hazardous Area Classification (HAC) - ATEX Analysis
Leading Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) and Auditing
Development, implementation of Safety Management Systems (SMS)
BC Founder & CEO
First time Dr. Dunjó was involved in the Process Safety (PS) field was when he joined an independent team of experts focused on reviewing establishments covered by the European Seveso Directive on behalf of the Regulation Authority in Catalonia, Spain (i.e., the Seveso Law is the “equivalent” OSHA PSM Rule and EPA RMP regulations in USA):
(a) Initially, while he was finalizing his studies in M.S. and B.S. in Chemical Engineering, he acquired this role working at the Chemical Institute of Sarrià (IQS) (from 2002 to 2005).
(b) Finally, he consolidated a leader role working at the Center for Technological Risk Studies (CERTEC) while he was executing his Ph.D. in PS and Loss Prevention (from 2005 to 2009).
During eight (8) years, he acquired knowledge and expertise by reviewing, developing, and being involved in studies such as Process Hazard Analyses (PHA), Safety Studies, Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRA), Safety Management Systems, and design of Layers Of Protection.
Before founding Bright Calcs LLC – BC, Dr. Dunjó had the pleasure to be part of two challenging and extremely interesting professional experiences:
(1) Key contributor on starting-up a regional office in Barcelona working at the Swiss Institute of Process Safety & Security (now TÜV SÜD Iberia). In less than two years, the office grew up from four to twenty team members. This period allowed him to gain experience as PS consultant and business development.
(2) Working at ioMosaic (Boston area - USA), he was the technical leader of key company projects, and a key contributor on software development. This period consolidated his knowledge as technical expert and leader, as well as a scientific contributor in the PS field.
On January 2020, Dr. Dunjó founded BC, a company focused on performing accurate calculations, providing robust results, and ensuring elegant cost-effective solutions for decision-makers. His knowledge & expertise is focused on providing accurate results to decision-makers responsible to Manage PS, including System/Process Characterization, PS Analysis, PS Assessment , and PS Measures.
Dr. Dunjó is also the author of peer-reviewed technical manuscripts, industry white papers, and scientific papers published in journals, seminars, and conference proceedings addressing key PS topics.

Polytechnical University of Catalonia
Columbia University in the City of NY
- Ph.D. Chemical Engineering
Chemical Institute of Sarrià (IQS)
M.S. Chemical Engineering
- B.S. Chemical Engineering
BC Publications
List of relevant BC peer-reviewed papers published in journals, conferences, and seminars.
Jordi Dunjó. “CFD-Based Ventilation Analysis - Basis for Conducting Consequence and/or Risk-Based Assessments”. 2021 AIChE Virtual Meeting & 17th Global Congress on Process Safety, April 18-23, 2021.
Elena Prats & Jordi Dunjó. “Guidelines for Risk Ranking Hazardous Scenarios When Conducting PHAs”. 2021 AIChE Virtual Meeting & 17th Global Congress on Process Safety, April 18-23, 2021.
Jordi Dunjó, Marcel Amorós, Neil Prophet, Gene Gorski. “Advanced QRA Methodology: Quantifying Risk Reduction Measures to Minimize Economic Investment”. 14th Global Congress on Process Safety, Orlando, FL. April 22-25, 2018.
Jordi Dunjó, Marcel Amorós, Neil Prophet, Gene Gorski. “A Risk-Based Approach for Predicting Domino Effect due to Fires. Combining Exceedance Curves with Dynamic Thermal Stress Analysis”. Process Safety Progress, 37(2), 176-185. October 2017.
Jordi Dunjó, Marcel Amorós, Neil Prophet. “An Overview of Worldwide Risk Tolerability Criteria for Chemical Process Industries”. Mary Kay O´Connor Process Safety Center, 2016 International Symposium, Houston; Texas. October 2016.
Jordi Dunjó, Marcel Amorós, Neil Prophet. “Guidance for Implementing Risk Tolerability Criteria - A Worldwide Overview”. 10th Middle East Refining & Petrochemicals Conference and Exhibition, Bahrain, September 2016.
Jordi Dunjó & Neil Prophet. “Beyond Quantitative Risk Analysis Results - Part I: Explosions and Blast Phenomena Characterization”. 12th Global Congress on Process Safety, GCPS 2016, Houston, Texas.
Jordi Dunjó & Neil Prophet. “Beyond Quantitative Risk Analysis Results - Part II: Fires and Domino Effect Characterization”. 12th Global Congress on Process Safety, GCPS 2016, Houston, Texas.
Jordi Dunjó & Georges A. Melhem. “Catastrophic Vessel Failure due to Fire Exposure: Wall Dynamics & Consequence Analysis”. 11th Global Congress on Process Safety, GCPS 2015, Austin, Texas.
Jordi Dunjó & Georges A. Melhem. “Screening Tool for Runaway Reaction Characterization: Optimizing Efforts for Emergency Relief Systems (ERS) Design”. 11th Global Congress on Process Safety, GCPS 2015, Austin, Texas.
Jordi Dunjó, Daniel Nguyen, Hanna Warren. “Mechanical Integrity Considerations in LNG Depressurization”. 11th Global Congress on Process Safety, GCPS 2015, Austin, Texas.
Jordi Dunjó, Daniel Nguyen, Hanna Warren. “Mechanical Integrity Considerations in LNG Depressurization – A Sensitivity Analysis”. Mary Kay O´Connor Process Safety Center, 2014 International Symposium, Houston; Texas.
Jordi Dunjó, Vasilis M. Fthenakis, R.M. Darbra, Juan A. Vílchez, Josep Arnaldos. “Conducting HAZOPs in continuous chemical processes: Part I. Criteria, tools and guidelines for selecting nodes”. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 89, Issue 4, July 2011, Pages 214-223.
Jordi Dunjó, Vasilis M. Fthenakis, R.M. Darbra, Juan A. Vílchez, Josep Arnaldos. “Conducting HAZOPs in continuous chemical processes: Part II. A new model for estimating HAZOP time and a standardized approach for examining nodes”. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 89, Issue 4, July 2011, Pages 224-233.
Jordi Dunjó, Jordi Campos. “Integrating the Reliability of Fire & Gas Detection Systems into the QRA Framework”. 13st Int. Sym. on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Brugge, 6-9 June 2010.
Jordi Dunjó, Vasilis Fthenakis, Juan A. Vílchez, Josep Arnaldos. “Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) analysis. A literature review”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 173, Issues 1-3, 15 January 2010, Pages 19-32.
Jordi Dunjó, Juan A. Vílchez, Josep Arnaldos. “Node selection criteria for HAZOP studies. New guidelines”. 11th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, 21-24 October 2008.
Jordi Dunjó, Juan A. Vílchez, Josep Arnaldos. “Thirty years after the first HAZOP guideline publication. Research needs”. ESREL 2008 & 17th SRA Europe; Annual Conference , Valencia, 22-25 September 2008.