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System/Process Characterization


BC lists "generic" services that are available when developing the System/Process Characterization  phase. Other non-listed "specific" evaluations are also developed by BC according to your needs.

System/Process Characterization tasks are considered the "foundation" of the subsequent PS phases , which are focused on defining, understanding, and characterizing the system/process to be evaluated.  The proper definition of the system is the key to ensure accuracy when developing the subsequent phases; i.e., PS Analysis, PS Assessment, and PS Measures.

BC Services:

Thermodynamics and Fluid Flow Fundamentals

  • Thermodynamics

  • Fluid Flow Fundamentals

¿How are we supposed to accurately model potential dispersions, fires and/or explosions  without knowledge on how complex fluids behave at certain process conditions?

The process industry handles fluids where physicochemical properties are well-known. However, also non-ideal mixtures, reactive systems and other complex fluids are processed at conditions where modeling phase equilibrium, and fluid flow are difficult to predict. Prioritizing the need to improve thermodynamic model accuracy is a key for accurately predicting source term conditions and other related studies of the subsequent process safety phases.

BC is focused on accurately define/characterize what is considered the foundation of the initial conditions of any process safety related study. The knowledge provided and tools used by BC ensure the appropriate modeling of fluids to be processed between process units or potentially released to the surroundings due to loss of containment scenarios.

Process Development and Optimization

  • Process Units Operations

  • Heat & Material Balance Development and Optimization

  • Process Deviations

BC performs and models mass, energy and momentum balances, thermodynamic properties, etc. of complex processes not only for process development, but also for process optimization. Sensitivity analyses intended to identify how key process parameters influence other process variables are analyzed. Depending on the purpose of the analysis, both steady-state or transient approaches are conducted.

BC performs detailed studies of any situation that requires the analysis of the process under normal conditions or under potential process deviations. A few examples of these analyses are listed below:

  • Heat & Material Balance (H&MB) development

  • Sensitivity analysis and optimization of process performance

  • Analysis of depressuring systems; e.g., sizing of emergency shut-down valves, identification of potential material brittle due to low temperatures, blowdown conditions.

  • Transient analysis of process conditions due potential process deviations; e.g., overpressure scenarios, loss of containment, wrong mixtures with potential of undesired reactions.

Note: knowledge on fluids behavior at process units and associated conditions, and at any potential process deviation-conditions allows fully characterizing the system/process under analysis. With this knowledge foundation, any advanced study related to process development or process safety can be accurately developed.


System/Process Graphical 3D Modeling

Once the fluid is released to the environment, accurately modeling the potential effects (hazardous dispersions, fires and explosions) and associated damage requires to consider the fluid-geometry interaction. Availability of the 3D process layout/model and surroundings is extremely relevant once consequence analysis has to be performed.


​BC uses modern tools capable of developing 3D models from scratch or from 2D plot plans. The technology used ranges from tools that apply photogrammetry for high quality 3D model development, tools intended to edit, clean, healing, inspecting, rendering, texturing and converting meshes, and other tools for pure 3D modeling


Nowadays, because of the availability of advanced Computer-Aided Engineering - CAE tools, 3D modeling is a cost-effective task. BC has the capability of developing detailed or simplified 3D models  for ensuring accurate Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations performance.


Accurate Calculations, Robust Results, and Elegant Cost-Effective Solutions

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